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Google SEO update and training | How to learn Google SEO and be updated on Google algorithm for SEO

Search engine optimization is very important for any website to get visibility on search engines like Google. Google is a search engine where users come and search their queries and get results. To get better results or ranking on Google one must understand Google algorithm and how to do SEO of your site for Google. Google keeps on changing its algorithm ,so question arises here how one can be updated for Google SEO. And how one can be properly trained for Google SEO.

Well , answer is very easy , ask Google itself. Google have its website where you can go and learn everything about Google SEO

This is a website provided by Google itself. Using this website one can get to know all details about doing SEO on Google, what are its checklist , what has to be their on your website to be seen on Google search results,international SEO and more. To be updated on Google SEO one go to this website and you will see What's new or All updates option in the main menu , from there just click on all updates and then you will reach to a page where  one can know about all Google updates about core and more. And ,one can just subscribe to this website, just click on blog option in the menu then go to bottom ,you will find option for Subscribe, so now whenever any update comes out you can get to know that via email. 

2- Google Search Central 's Youtube channel

Google has a youtube channel where one can learn about Google SEO best practices and get any update for Google algorithm from the videos of Google search central youtube channel. Do not forget to subscribe the channel , once you subscribed you will get to know about next videos.

3- Search engine land and Search Engine Journal

These two website are very good sites for letting you learn SEO and get update for Google algorithm , for knowing google updates on this site you just have to see Google Algorithm Updates option under SEO in the main menu.  Read about SEO here and know techniques which you can use for ranking ,getting more traffic for website. Do Subscribe to both websites.

4- Coursera, Google Digital Garage , Skillshare 

Take advantage of courses offered by Google in free on their platform like Google Digital Garage where you can course on how to do your business online or make sure customers find you online ,these courses can help you learning SEO objectives of Google. Course are there on Coursera and Skillshare ,may be paid but would be the best courses to train yourself for Google SEO. Google SEO Fundamentals course by University of California is very popular course for SEO training ,the course is on Coursera.

So, using above best methods one can learn Google and get well trained by self and know about updates for Google SEO. Click here to know about local SEO 

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