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How to install GA4 Google analytics to your website?

  Google Analytics is very important for any website because it provides us a medium to track page views, sessions, user demographics and more for the site. If you want to know what link got clicks, landing pages, country from where user on your website are coming , how many session per user , web traffic and more , then you must install Google Analytics tag to your website. There are two types of Google Analytics - first is UA which is Universal Analytics and used to track only for website and another is Google Analytics 4 which is used for tracking both website and apps. Earlier ,only UA method was available for website but now Google made GA4 tag available for both website and app. Difference between these is that UA tag have categories and action whenever anything happens on your website like page views, session, etc. UA tag takes it as an category while GA4 is not based on category ,it displays data as events which can be tracked easily and understand easily. 

Click here to know difference between GA4 and UA Google Analytics.

Know how to be updated on Google SEO and its core updates.

GA4 is now made mandatory to use for website and app from 1 July 2024 , UA Google analytics would be of no use from July 2024. So , its better to add GA4 to your website , it is very easy to do so and trust me GA4 is way better than the UA Google analytics because using GA4 you can track more things and get more data.

So ,lets learn how to setup GA4 Google analytics 4 tag to your new website ,well it is very easy.

1 - Sign Up/Login to your Google Analytics

2- Go to Admin

3- Search for GA4 Setup Assistant

4- Under GA4 Setup Assistant , you will find option to set up new GA4 property ,click on Get Started

ga4 analytics set up

5- Now, you will get a popup for creating a GA4 property, click on Create Property

pop up set your ga4 analytics set up digital marketing lessons blogspot https://digitalmarketingles.blogspot.com/

6- Then Click Go to GA4 Property

7- Now Click on Collect Website and App Data 

8- Now , Click on Manage Data Streams

ga4 analytics set up https://digitalmarketingles.blogspot.com/ digital marketing lessons

9- Now Click on your GA4 property showing in Data Streams

ga4 analytics https://digitalmarketingles.blogspot.com/ digital marketing lessons

10- Scroll down and click on View Tag Instruction

11- Click on Install Manually, now you will get a code which needs to be installed between <head></head> HTML tags of your website , 

install ga4 manually https://digitalmarketingles.blogspot.com/

12- After putting it on your website you can test your GA4 tag by clicking on Test 

So, now after integrating GA4 tag to your website ,you can track all your events happening and get a useful data.

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